L. Ron Hubbard 1911 - 1986

How and when did L. Ron Hubbard pass away?

L. Ron Hubbard died on 24 January 1986 in the age of 74 from a stroke.

Before his body was cremated in accordance to his last will, the medical examiner of the area (San Luis Obispo County) had a drug toxicology test done. The 1980s were controversial times, several expelled members of the Church of Scientology had just tried to steal Hubbard's works while his estranged son Ron DeWolf (1934-1991) was heavily after the heritage of his father *.

So that blood test was a good idea. It revealed no drugs or poisons but recorded a "trace amount of Vistaril", an antihistamine used to treat allergic reaction and against nausea. The fact that Vistaril can be used as a mild sedative was fraudulently used lateron by the same people who had tried to grab hold of Hubbard's heritage. One of them even had his attorney ask for another coroner research into the death. The denial of this request tells the whole story and puts an end to any fantasies spread by former members or people with an agenda to steal L. Ron Hubbard's heritage.

Affidavit of L. Ron Hubbard of 1983, about Ron DeWolf and the fact that he - Hubbard - is well and alive
Denial Letter of Sheriff-Coroner, 31 January 1986, to Ron DeWolf's attornet Michael Flynn
Rocky Mountain News article 1983, explaining his relation to DeWolf on page 7 (PDF)
New York Times of 24 October 1984, Suit filed against Ron DeWolf for attempted fraud (PDF)
L. Ron Hubbard's Toxicology Test
L. Ron Hubbard's Death Certificate
About Ron DeWolf

* Even though he had not been in contact with L. Ron Hubbard for more than 20 years DeWolf had tried to take over the finances of his father and even attempted to declare him dead in 1982. [Back to text]

Who was L. Ron Hubbard's son Ronald Dewolf?

Ronald DeWolf was born Lafayette Ron Hubbard, Jr. in 1934 as the eldest child of 23-year old L. Ron Hubbard and his first wife, Margaret Louise Grubb (26). Hubbard had met Grubb when they were both training as glider pilots. The marriage did not last over World War II* and got divorced in 1947. After that L. Ron Hubbard was hardly in contact with his then 13-year old son who stayed with his mother. Per several affidavits from both sides they met the last time in 1959.

However in 1982 Ron DeWolf (he had meanwhile changed his name from Hubbard to DeWolf) suddenly showed up again, tried to declare L. Ron Hubbard dead and take over his finances. This clearly financially motivated action was balked by L. Ron Hubbard personally proving to the court that he was alive and well. In 1984 Hubbard's wife Mary Sue filed a $5 million suit for fraud against DeWolf for his 1982 attempt to gain control of L. Ron Hubbard's estate.

DeWolf though tried another time to grab hold of Hubbard's estates only days after his death in January 1986 but was denied again. That however did not stop him to spread a bunch of lies later that same year when he co-authored a book of a disgruntled expelled member of the Church of Scientology about the Church and L. Ron Hubbard. Shortly after the first copies of the book had been sold his author credit was removed from it and DeWolf called the parts referring to him "no more than wild flights of fantasy" and "to the extent that any portion of this book is based on my communications with [the main author], whether written or oral, the book is inaccurate and false". In two affidavits Ronald DeWolf submitted to a court in 1987 he confirms that his knowledge about the doing of his father L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology already ended in the late 1950s. Ron DeWolf died of cancer in 1991.

Affidavit of L. Ron Hubbard of 1983, about Ron DeWolf and the fact that he - Hubbard - is well and alive
Denial Letter of Sheriff-Coroner, 31 January 1986, to Ron DeWolf's attornet Michael Flynn
Rocky Mountain News article 1983, explaining his relation to DeWolf on page 7 (PDF)
New York Times of 24 October 1984, Suit filed against Ron DeWolf for attempted fraud (PDF)
Ron DeWolf Affidavit, May 1987 (PDF)
Ron DeWolf Affidavit, July 1987 (PDF)
A short biography of L. Ron Hubbard (video clip on Youtube)

* From the summer of 1941 to late 1945, during World War II, L. Ron Hubbard served in the United States Navy. Based on the representations of his experience overseas and as a writer, he was able to skip the initial officer rank of Ensign and was commissioned a Lieutenant, Junior Grade for service in the Office of Naval Intelligence. [Back to text]