Scientology YouTube Video Channel Launches Meet a Scientologist Videos

The Church of Scientology International is launching a series of testimonial videos on its official YouTube Channel called "Meet a Scientologist," which showcase the lives and careers of everyday Scientologists. YouTube users will be able to view 50 videos to start, with 100 more videos scheduled to follow in the upcoming months as part of the Church's continuing efforts to expand its presence in the world's largest online video community.

Meet A Scientologist YouTube Videos
Meet A Scientologist YouTube Videos

The "Meet a Scientologist" videos, which were shot on location, focus on individual Scientologists who explain how the religion has helped them, whether by teaching effective communication skills, learning to be confident in their abilities, or generally improving their life. Videos highlight members of Scientology from all over the world and all kinds of professions, including doctors, educators, inventors, athletes, actors, musicians, students, photographers, business owners and more.

These new videos are based on one of the core principles of the Scientology religion. L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology, discovered that understanding is composed of affinity, reality and communication. With the conviction that this applies to any aspect of life, the Church of Scientology seeks to increase understanding of Scientology and Scientologists by applying this principle to online video, while at the same time, providing information through personal stories.

A pioneer and leader in the online religious community, the Church of Scientology was the first religion to create its own official YouTube Video Channel in April 2008, with 82 broadcast-quality videos comprising nearly three hours of content in a unique video player. To date, it has been seen by over 2 million visitors. The Church of Scientology has also launched an online public information campaign with 30 and 60-second flash presentation conveying the essence of Scientology. These spots address the most fundamental questions people ask about life--questions for which Scientology has effective answers.

To watch the new "Meet a Scientologist" videos, visit the Scientology Video Channel on YouTube at video channel at

Scientology Promotes Drug-Free Living on Quebec National Day

The Church of Scientology of Quebec urged fellow Quebecois to Say NO to Drugs.

The Church of Scientology of Quebec urged their fellow Quebecois to Say NO to Drugs on Quebec National Day. This year marks the 401st anniversary of the City of Quebec and on June 23rd, the eve of Quebec National Day, young Scientologists kicked off the holiday by letting the youth of Quebec learn the truth about drugs.

According to the United Nations 2009 Drug Report, Canada is one of the top distributors and producers of synthetic drugs. This year there were 100,000 drug-related crimes in Canada, with marijuana, ecstasy, crystal meth and cocaine responsible for most of them.

Determined to do something about this and help their fellow Quebecois avoid the tragedy of drug abuse and addiction, a team of young Scientologists gathered to distribute anti-drug booklets to youth arriving at the Parc Plaines D’Abraham to enjoy the traditional concerts there on the eve of the holiday.

The booklets, produced by the Foundation for a Drug Free World, present the facts about drugs, to help youth make informed decisions about drugs.

Scientology churches around the world carry out grass roots activities o help youth make informed choices about drugs. For more information on the anti-drug program of the Church of Scientology visit the Scientology web site.

Scientology Truth: Scientologists active in fighting drug abuse

Youth from the Church of Scientology of Pasadena join anti-drug march to educate their peers on drug abuse and addiction

Sunland/Tujunga - Members of the Church of Scientology of Pasadena were among hundreds of youths who participated in an Anti-Drug March from Bolton Hall in Tujunga to Sunland Park. With the help of the Sunland Tujunga Rotary Club, and supported by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, students from the Verdugo Hills High School in Tujunga and the Delphi Academy in Lake View Terrace organized this walk and a festival to educate teenagers about the dangers of drugs.

“We knew we wanted to do something to tell people about drugs, and at first we thought of just doing talks in different classes at school. That would be good, but we wanted to do something bigger, to help the whole community. That’s how we decided on the walk,” said Krista Baysdorpher from Delphi Academy.

According to Eden Stein, President of the Church of Scientology of Pasadena, “L. Ron Hubbard wrote ‘Research has demonstrated that the single most destructive element present in our current culture is drugs.’ Drugs are a serious problem here in Southern California, and we are committed to helping young people stay out of this trap.”

The statistics on drug use among youth is particularly alarming. From a survey done by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, 50 percent of public school students in the United States have tried an illicit drug by the time they are 17 years old. To do something effective about this, the Foundation published booklets that provide information about the harmful and sometimes deadly consequences of the most popular drugs. During the recent anti-drug march, hundreds of these booklets were distributed, arming youth with the information they need to say “No” to drugs.

Scientology Motor Vessel Freewinds

June 2009 - the month of the Maiden Voyage celebrations on a Scientology ship called Freewinds. Scientology leader David Miscavige will be there speaking to his folks.


The Freewinds is the location of a special Church of Scientology. It is a huge motor vessel cruising the Caribbean since 1988. Here is the official presentation of the ship (text from Scientology Today and and some comments I added:

"The Church of Scientology Flag Ship Service Organization ministers the highest levels of religious services, as well as other select services to help one on his route to Operating Thetan (OT).

The Flag Ship Service Organization (FSSO) is a unique church of Scientology which is located aboard the Motor Vessel Freewinds, a 440-foot ship based in the Caribbean, with the home port of CuraƧao. The ship was acquired in the mid-1980s shortly before the release of the highest advanced auditing level currently available, New OT VIII.

Needing a safe, aesthetic, distraction-free environment appropriate for ministration of this profoundly spiritual level of auditing, this church of Scientology returned to the sea, far from the crossroads of the workaday world. And while the Flag Service Organization ministers the highest levels of training and auditing from the bottom of The Bridge up to New OT VII, the most advanced OT level—OT VIII—is entrusted exclusively to the FSSO.

To a Scientologist, coming to the Freewinds for New OT VIII is the pinnacle of a deeply spiritual journey. Years of training and auditing have brought him to this ultimate point. It is the most significant spiritual accomplishment of his lifetime and brings with it the full realization of his immortality.

Church of Scientology Flag Ship Service Organization The Freewinds is a very special place. It is the one place on this planet that a Scientologist can go and be certain that he will be able to devote all of his attention to his religious practice and, at the same time, share the company of people who share his religious commitment and outlook on life in general. A voyage on the Freewinds is nowhere close to a vacation. Rather, it is the perfect religious retreat dedicated to enabling one to devote his full attention to spiritual growth.

Religious services ministered aboard the Freewinds are not limited to Scientologists who have reached New OT VIII. Other religious programs conducted aboard the Freewinds include religious conventions and seminars for staff and parishioners of churches of Scientology from around the world as well as specially arranged gatherings also for Scientologists from a particular country or community for a particular program of religious services.

Each year the annual Maiden Voyage event has come to be one of the most important gatherings of dedicated Scientologists and an opportunity for senior Church officials to meet and work directly with these parishioners to advance their religion. Scientologists who attend this annual spiritual cruise become "OT Ambassadors" and initiate programs to help Scientologists all over the world advance the aims of Scientology and to reach the top of The Bridge at New OT VIII."

In May 2008 the Freewinds went into dry dock for scheduled repairs and structural changes to create more convention spaces. Those measures were completed and the ship went back in the water in time for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of its Maiden Voyage in June 2008. Several hundred dignitaries including the Premier Minister of Curacao from the Netherland Antilles participated in the christening of the new, refitted Freewinds. The event and following Maiden Voyage celebrations (over five days) have been videoed - as usual - and were shown in all Churches of Scientology in the world during July and August 2008.

Speaker comes ready to explain, defend Scientology - News

Speaker comes ready to explain, defend Scientology - News

Scientology, the religion that has grabbed mainstream attention thanks to its celebrity followers, sparked curiosity on the Cal Poly campus last night as a church leader came to clear up what he calls misconceptions surrounding the religion.

More than 100 students attended the speech, which was sponsored by Cal Poly Theisms. As seats filled up, many attendants stood while others watched a broadcast in an adjacent room.

Rev. Lee Holzinger, a leader in the Santa Barbara Church of Scientology and 30-year follower, came prepared to give the audience a crash course on the religion. He displayed 18 Scientology books written by L. Ron Hubbard on the front podium. He also cued up clips from a DVD aimed to help clarify some Scientology concepts. Holzinger seemed ready to defend Scientology against any claim.

"I have heard every strange thing and misconception there is about the Church of Scientology, so it's hard to shock me," he said.

Holzinger said he is aware of the rumors and controversy Scientology breeds and he wants to dispel some of the negativity by discussing what Scientologists actually believe and practice.

Scientology is often criticized for believing that humans are actually immortal beings known as Thetans, who have lived before birth and will live on after death. Holzinger confirmed this ideology but noted that it is not forced upon members of the church.

"I am a scientologist. I believe I have lived a long time. It isn't something we would preach to anyone. It's just something people discover on their own."

Holzinger said that Scientologists discover their true being with the help of "auditing" sessions. These sessions claim to provide a way for people to recall a previous existence. Holzinger said he made this discovery and is happy with the belief that he is an immortal spirit.

"It's really a very clarifying and stable thing to get to understand, to really know who you are," Holzinger said.