Scientology Article: Freedom of Speech at Risk in Cyberspace

The increasing crime rate on the internet, ranging from theft to copyright infringements, all in the name of free speech, is causing Americans grave concern. Free speech is abused when it is claimed as a shield to avoid responsibility for unlawful acts. "Father of the Internet," Vinton Cerf and co-founders of the Cyberspace Law Institute, among others, including members of the Church of Scientology, met to work out solutions to protect the rights of all on the Net.

Members of the Church of Scientology know better than many that the freedom to communicate is a vital liberty. And it is a freedom they have fought for tirelessly through the years. In fact, L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology religion, said, "Perhaps the most fundamental right of any being is the right to communicate. Without this freedom other rights deteriorate."

Essay "Justice" by L. Ron Hubbard

What is justice?

“The quality of justice is not strained1 — it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven...” may be poetic, but it is not definitive 2 . It does, however, demonstrate that even in Shakespeare’s time men were adrift on the subject of justice, injustice, severity and mercy.

People speak of an action as unjust or an action as just. What do they mean? Yet, unless we can understand exactly what is meant by these terms, we certainly cannot undertake to evaluate the actions of individuals, communities and nations. For the lack of an ability to so evaluate, misunderstandings come about which have, in the past, led to combative personal relationships and, on the international scene, to war. An individual or a nation fails or refuses to understand the measures taken by another or fails to fall within the agreement of the pattern to which others are accustomed and chaos results.

In Scientology the following definitions now exist: (More)